3 Tips for Prepping a Furnace for Heating Season in Ocean Pines, MD

As the temperatures outside begin cooling down, you know it’s time to start preparing your furnace for the cold winter ahead. With an efficient furnace, you’ll be able to save money on your heating costs this winter. To get your heating system in tip-top shape, we’ve compiled a list of some essential tips to keep you warm this season.

Inspect the Filters

To ensure your furnace is functioning at its optimal level, inspect the filters. Blocked or damaged filters can prevent the system from working properly, especially during the heating season. Clogged filters can also restrict airflow in your house, leading to a buildup of carbon monoxide and other toxins.

This can result in severe health issues, such as headaches and nausea, making it crucial to replace your filters as soon as possible. You should check your filter every 90 days and change it as needed. If you’re unfamiliar with changing a filter, one of our technicians can familiarize you with it during a maintenance appointment. Filter changes will ensure your furnace is operating efficiently.

Inspect the Blower

The blower is a crucial part of your furnace system because it helps deliver heated air throughout your house. Ensuring that the blower is in proper working condition can greatly improve your overall comfort and efficiency.

Loud or high-pitched noises from the basement or wherever your air handler is, are telltale signs that something may be wrong with your blower. If you experience noise issues with your heating unit, our heating repair experts can help you get your system running with a new or rebuilt blower.

Check Your Thermostat

To ensure your furnace is operating properly, check your thermostat or thermostatic controls. These controls alert the system to turn on in response to preset temperatures and heat levels.

If it is not set properly, your furnace will run longer than necessary to compensate for the temperature difference. Adjusting this setting to the appropriate level can help save money on your heating bills.

Additionally, updating your old thermostat with a newer, more energy-efficient model will help you save money on heating costs. An HVAC technician will help you upgrade your thermostat and set it up properly.

If you are looking for more tips or want to schedule maintenance with one of our technicians, contact us at Custom Mechanical. We pride ourselves on offering quality HVAC services at affordable prices.

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